In particular, for truncation we selectively sample within a given period and therefore do not have any data outside of a time horizon while in censoring we simply have incomplete observation of the data. The class also involved dealing with the problem of censoring and truncation and what the difference between the two. Finally we briefly touched in 255 upon the stratified proportional hazard model and additive hazards models.
Another model discussed more in depth was the proportional hazards regression model. One model was the accelerated failure time model. Regression models for survival data modeled the survival time for a variable X off of a group of covariates Z where Z may include treatment, risk features, ad confounders. The class covered ideas from survival analysis starting with the survival function, hazard function, mean residual life function, and common parametric models for survival data. The class on Survival Analysis used the book Survival Analysis by John P Klein and Melvin L Moeschlberger.